My boyfrirnd and I had a wonderful time at the brookings coast for Fourth of July week; spending time with family, exploring the tidepools and enjoying the amazing beach weather. All in all it was a great time, minus the extraordinary display of discrimination that came from the owners of Portside RV Park. I give my fullest thanks and appreciation to the onsite management of Portside RV Park who fought for us to be able to stay and apologized end over end for the words and actions of the owners.
Truly kind management, friendly and caring! Went beyond to make us feel welcome despite all of the bumps in the road.
Owners on the other hand wouldn't allow myself and my boyfriend, a disabled vet to stay or visit with family due to our appearance.. my fire engine red hair (and im sure my piercings/tattoos) and his mountain man beard. They made a quick judgment on our character based on our appearance, and yet never once came around to apologize for themselves. If they would have taken the time to introduce themselves they would have found out that I have been a nanny for over 10 years and that my boyfriend gave 3 years of his life to the Army for his country. The owners only came around after we had gone.