The park is beautiful. We got a full hook-up site for one night on our way to the Puget Sound. We programmed the Garmin to the street address 7880 Hwy 84 but it wouldn't use that i tried to program it to find Memaloose State Park which it was happy with. BUT, it took us up a very crooked and narrow road to the top of the cliffs above the river and then wanted us to turn down a very narrow dirt road. We found our way back to Hwy 84 and backtracked. If you are heading west on Hwy 84, you need to go past exit 76 about 3 miles to the reststop and then you will find it. If you are heading east on Hwy 84 then you will exit 76 and then cross the highway and go west about 3 miles. Otherwise, nice place.