Be careful making reservations. Website states $30-$40 nonrefundable deposit. We made a 7 day reservation. Had to leave after staying one night. Reservation agent assured us about working WiFi at every campsite with many extra WiFi towers throughout the park. We need internet access for work. That's why we camp close to major cities. When arriving, WiFi was nonfunctional. Camp staff told us WiFi rarely works despite what the website and reservation agent assured us. We are willing to pay $30-$40 nonrefundable deposit and pay for the one night we stayed. Staff and General manager told us "they make no refunds for any reason". Only the owners can authorize refunds. Staff and general manager would not provide owner's contact info, and now more than 13 days later the manager told us yesterday that "if the owners had authorized a refund we would have received the refund already." He still will not provide owners contact info. Asked Visa to dispute the charge and asking for a refund, minus $30 nonrefundable deposit and one night charge of $45. Asking Visa to reconsider allowing this park to make Visa charges, considering their business practices. Surprising this site is approved by camper's associations and clubs.